Mały Modelarz 6/93 Hawker Typhoon

A very nice paper/card model released in 1993 by Mały Modelarz. I have had it since ’95, but didn’t think of starting it… I was put off by the cover, which is appalling!

Then one day I took it off the shelf and had a look inside; I was ‘wowed’ by the clean, sharp graphics and vowed to make it ‘sometime’. I like the form of the Typhoon/Tempest line all the way from the first ‘car-door’ versions right up to the Sea Fury. As a youngster I collected some great reference material on them (and others!), superb, large drawings in A1 by the legendary Arthur Bentley and various other publications and printouts from modelling magazines. In the early days I was a keen ‘plastic modeller’, until I discovered the magic of paper and card modelling in the mid 70s.

This is a chronicle of the build, which I started in November 2024 and finished just after Christmas, due to time constraints caused by working full-time, a 4-year-old son who is entitled to a certain amount of personal attention and other family commitments 🙂

I shall spare you the very beginning, cutting out and gluing the frames together for the fuselage, not very interesting, I’m afraid. So I shall add a whole lot of photos of the build, with as little text as possible and only where I see it to be useful or by way of explanation. For the most part, I expect that the picture speak largely for themselves.

Forming the front of the cooler using a lead/tin rod

Still a little untidy and the wrong shape, which I should have corrected at this point, but ended up doing later…


Definitely the wrong shape. Changed later to:
A rather untidily made spinner… More practice obviously needed here!



On its feet at last!


Starting on adding the landing lights, cutting out of the wings and required parts…

A spacer for the reflector…

Covered with ‘glass’, which is clear ‘Sellotape’, painted over to the line with watercolour


Badly fitting Canopy more obvious here


Parts laid out for undercarriage
Parts laid out for undercarriage